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tv   The Journal Editorial Report  FOX News  August 19, 2012 12:00pm-12:30pm PDT

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you next fox news sunday reporting from tampa. >> this week on the journal, edit editorial report. and some are trashing the g.o.p. ticket, saying that mitt romney's running mate is a defeat. and can republicans finally win? and america's nanny marin vadz the nursery. two wall street moms weigh in on michael bloomberg's call to hide the baby formula. ♪ welcome to the journal editorial report, i'm paul gigot. >> well, that didn't take
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long, within hours the republican presidential candidate, mitt romney naming wisconsin congressman paul ryan, and his running mate so-called g.o.p. professionals, began a fret over the choice, according to the beltway website, political reaction, from republican strategist and campaign options from gnawing apprehension to hair on fire anger. former george bush advisor, was one of the few to go on the record and i think it's a bold choice and interesting pick, that's going to elevate the campaign into a debate over big ideas. it means romney, ryan can run on principles, and provide some real direction and vision for the republican party. and probably lose. maybe big. joining the panel this week, wall street assistant editor james freeman and joe rago and washington columnist kim strassel. i want to get to the worry warts in the g.o.p. in a minute. but, first, is been a week since the ryan pick.
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how is it going so far? >> it's going great for them. i mean, they have-- this is exactly what mr. romney wanted to do. he had up until this point running a referendum campaign against barack obama, hitting him every day with these things that are real liabilities for the president, the jobs numbers, the economy. and all the things that people don't like about his administration department. he wasn't winning on that. so, the idea here was to go big, make a big contrast by providing a real choice. so far the amount of attention they've got. that's clearly playing out for them and offers them a lot of opportunities going ahead. >> kim, one of the worries by some republicans is that paul rhe rhein, paul ryan, he's a detail guy and gets in the weeds and that's not the stump speech, that doesn't make a good stump speech that sort of thing. how is he doing at handling the larger themes. campaign and serving as an attacker of president obama? >> well, the real reason paul
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ryan is a success he is, is because he's excellent at ining this is why he's won in his district back in the competitive district in wisconsin over and over and he can talk about entitlement rae form and talk about fiscal issues and tax policy and tax reform and that's been his rollover the past week for the campaign, to go out there and make the contract and say to people, look, you don't need to steer these changes, we're in a big issue problem here and these are the plans that we have to make it better. >> it does seem to give mitt romney energy and he's better on the stump and seems to me just watching him in the last few days, more passionate and engaged and seems more confident, even. >> and the same said for his voters. you look at enthusiasm, now, in terms of energizing the republican base, i think there's an argument that barack obama was doing that. with ryan is the chance to turn some voters into real evangelists and i think for
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independents, remember, they're-- they are he' as upset about the economy, almost as upset about it and mr. obama's performance as the people who were already identifying themselves as romney voters. >> paul ryan talking about growth and about economic progress and i think it's a good message. >> what's the democratic line of attack going to be against ryan, joe. >> well, it's going to be that he's heartless, that he is pitting autism against millionaires and billionaires. >> the budget. >> the thing is it throws off the democratic game plan. they thought romney was going to pick some boring old guy. >> paul: i take offense that. (laughter) >> and they were going to run about, on, you know, mitt romney the millionaire and did he kill somebody's wife or not and now, they're being forced to make an argument, really, on the the direction of the country. >> it does seem to have changed the debate, and set the democrats off their game,
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a little bit, kim. although they're going to still come back, i assume with the cuts, spending cuts campaign. is there a danger here that ryan and romney will fall into the austerity trap. instead of pushing growth, as james stresethey'll talk about spending cuts and shrinking government and for a lot of the swing voters, that's not the message that they want to hear. what they want to hear, how are you going to improve my life, my circumstances and give me more opportunity? >> yeah, and that's exactly what the democrats are going to try to do to them. they're going to present them as the downer campaign, the guys who just want to take everything away from you, there's no off side. you saw mr. ryan in particular begin to address and did start talking about growth and made the argument that people are-- he actual youly addresses it, and people are going to focus on the cuts that we have proposed. but the important thing is that we're fundamentally first and foremost here to improve the economy, make sure you have jobs, get revenues up, if
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we can do that, then some of the cuts are more manageable and we need to focus on at that first and a message they need to stress more. >> what about these republican worry warts, with ryan. what is it? they said beltway sources, these are people who play conventional politics. and you know, i think they'll come around and you look the at the enthusiasm and i think that people will start to appreciate that what mr. romney said with this pick is he's serious about governing and about improving the country and he's not just trying to win because he's the other guy and obama's done a terrible job. and he's saying, we're going to turn away from the cliff, we're going to talk about growth. going to talk about reviving america and rejecting this new normal eyed. and i think that is going to have broad appeal beyond conservatives. >> and what are you hearing, joe, from your sources? is there a lot of anxiety among republicans or a washington phenomenon. >> it's definitely a
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washington phenomena. the issue is why are you in government and what do you want to do, fix the problem or just string the problem along for years, as we-- >> so don't dodge the debate. and engage it directly. what they're trying to do, solve problems and you know, that's what elections should be about. >> exactly. >> okay, when we come back, the medicare fight, conventional wisdom. such as it is, says this is a debate republicans can't win. but mitt romney and paul ryan say bring it on. so, is it different this time around? >> the president, i'm told, is talking about medicare today. ichltd. >> jamie: we want--
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believed to be a loser, but the romney ryan team seems to relish that fight and they went on the offensive with an add accusing obama paying for the new health care law. >> you pay into medicare for years, every paycheck, now when you need it, obama has cut 716 billion dollars from medicare. why? to pay for obamacare. so, now, the money you paid for your guaranteed health care is going to a massive new government program, it's not for you. and romney ryan plan protects medicare benefits for today's seniors and strengthens the plan for the next generation. >> well, joe, this is unheard of, the at least in my lifetime at the presidential level, a republican going on the offensive on medicare. what's the thinking in the romney camp? >> the thinking is that the politics of medicare changed, you know, for decades democrats have run the med-scare campaigns.
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>> just like that. >> exactly saying that the republicans are going to end medicare as they know it. with obamacare and the affordable care act and its changes, they think they can neutralize this kind of campaign and voters might be able to give a genuine reform alternative a fair hearing. >> because obamacare actually did rewrite, turn the entire health care system upside down including medicare and taking it to finance obamacare to make it look like they didn't add to the deficit. >> it cranked down the price controls for hospitals and got medicare advantage for giving them private insurance options and creates something known as the independent payment report. >> this is a 15 member commission of unelected bureaucrats whose decisions are not subject to judicial or legislative-- >> so, even congress can't overrule them. can't overrule them.
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command medicine, tell doctors how to practice, how they should be organized and eventually start to take make case by case decisions on what treatments the patience are allowed to receive. >> so, this is the obama plan for controlling medicare costs. >> president obama says medicare's going broke, we've got to do something, there's no other option. well, let's delegate all of these decisions to 15 technocrats-- >> and romney, ryan are saying let's have an alternative and our alternative is to basically open medicare up to more private competition, you'll get costs down through competition, you make seniors more price conscious if they have to go out and buy their own health insurance. obviously, with the government subsidies. and one of the democratic charges is, seniors aren't up to that. and they'll end up having to pay more, is that right? >> no, it isn't. the model is the federal employees health benefit program, which covers all federal workers, including members of congress, the premiums support payments, the subsidy you're talking about,
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rises over time with health care costs, and the idea is just by having seniors pay the margins. if they want the most generous benefits. they'll instead start to push down on health care costs and that's really what the system needs. >> james, i mean, you've been around a long time, too, not as long as me, unfortunate. but the idea is that, i mean, this is, i've never seen this before. and it's a little weird. and are you worried that they can handle it? >> well, i think the reason they're optimistic is because, you've now got a very clear choice, which is, let's see if we can reduce costs through voluntary incentives or the unelected bureaucrats overriding your doctor, and saying, no to the hip replacement, you're too old. now, i think that that latter plan, which is the obama plan, along with the cuts that that ad accurately described i think is going to be a loser with everyone and that's why,
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interesting, democrats have loved this issue for years this week they could not wait to get away from it to talk about mitt romney's tax returns. the fact that they don't-- >> and mitt romney walked right into that trap saying oh, i made 13% every year, and-- >>, but, the fact that democrats, the left, does not want the medicare fight is, this is a seismic change. >> and is the republican party really up to fighting this? and i don't-- romney, i would think that ryan is, it look like romney may be, but you know, there are a lot of democrats who think we can now nationallize the house and senate campaign races and take back the house, because the rank and file republicans just don't know how to talk about this and afraid of this. >> the job of a presidential campaign is to lead and you have to give ryan romney credit they're barrelling ahead of this and as a result giving heart to the republicans and helped by the fact, you've got john boehner
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and members saying stay strong, we can do this. and they're getting information out there and actually turning the tide on this a little bit and that's going to encourage republicans, too, a fascinating poll out this week, rasmussen and any about the infrastructure of medicare, what scarce you more, the president's health care bill or paul ryan's plan. 54 to 34% seniors in florida say the president's health care law, that's the sort of stuff that encourages republicans. >> it's interesting, i'm 57. i hate to give that away, but one of the things, this law doesn't start until you're 55. and people under 55. i don't want to go into the traditional medicare when i'm 65, i much prefer to have private sources, want to start right away and not wait until i'm 65. i've got to get the last word in. first, came for the big gus p and now he's coming for your
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>> first it was trans fat and salt and then it was big soda, and now, new york's mayor michael bloomberg wants to limit new mother's access to baby formula. aimed at encouraging breast-feeding. the voluntary latch on nyc initiative keeping baby formula locked up like medication and mothers who request formula for-- each time a now brn is given a bottle, staff will have to document the reason. and it's set to kick in in 27
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of new york city's 40 hospitals. and back to kim strassel mother of three and joining us colin levy, mother of four. so, colin, having recently had twins, what do you make of this? >> i mean, thicraziness, this is insanity. this is mayor bloomberg's breast-feed or else, plan. and basically that's going on here and it isn't the first time, obviously, that bloomberg has gotten involved with trying to increase people's health and this is, as we've said, this is sort of his equivalent. instant equivalent of the big gulp and formula should carry a warning label like cigarettes did, like cigarettes do, to say this this could be hazardous to your newborn, it's the latest in this battle and it's another way to sort of make things even more difficult for women, which it's no picnic.
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>> paul: well, on the merits, bloomberg would say it is healthier and i'm doing a public service and that's my job, we have a responsility to make sure that newborn health is as good as it possibly can be, so, what's wrong with that. >> look, there's no question that there are studies suggesting there are benefits to breast-feeding your child. i think one of the things he forbids. this is a highly personal decision, there are many reasons why women cannot or do not want to breast-feed, could be work, medications they're taking or their emotional state and the focus on one decision in child raising. i remember when i had the first child in new york as it happens i was talking to my doctor about this and exasperated. look, if you were so obsessed making sure your child had the absolute best start in life first thing you'd move out of new york city. >> mike bloomberg doesn't want
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that, he wants you paying taxes. >> the pollution and focus by the media on the one decision as you know, you grow and your kids get older, it's one of hundreds, thousands of decisions about child raising that feed into whether or not your kid is healthy, both in mind and in body. >> do you think it makes any sense to have the hospital staffers or administrators actually have to report, why ask you, as a new mother, why you wanted to breast-feed-- to bottle field your baby and write that down and submit it to some, i guess, bureaucracy. when they ought to be treating patience and not spending time taking notes like that? >> yeah, that's exactly right. it's crein a hostile environment in a hospital when women are often most vulnerable. just had a child and making decisions and it's taking advantage. breast-feeding increased in the past few years, 77% of women breast-feed their children now. at least for, for some amount of time, but this is a thing that also increases with education and income.
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and in other words, the better off a mother is and you know, the older she is as well. it tends to increase the likelihood that she is he' going to breast-feed her children. that's not an accident. if you can afford to stay home for six months with your child you can afford to breast-feed. >> what bloomberg would say in response to that. kim and colin, you folks are well educated women, you make that choice. what about lower income women who may not be as educated and responsibilities the government to tell those women who may not be well versed on the the choices they have this opportunity and coercion to make sure they make the right choice? >> trust me, paul, there is no lack of information out there on this. this is sort of debate that rages through to the mommy world from any income you are and i would also like to point out i'm a well educated woman that bottle fed my child, it doesn't always, it isn't always based there are lots of reasons to go into it, but
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it's too intrusive on so many levels. >> thank you, both. when we come back, hits and misses of the week. [ pilot ] now when you build an aircraft, you want to make sure it goes up and stays up. [ chirp ] with android apps, you get better quality control. so our test flights are less stressful. i've got a lot of paperwork, and time is everything here. that's why i upgraded to the new sprint direct connect. [ chirp ] and the fastest push-to-talk nationwide. [ male announcer ] upgrade to the new "done." [ chirp ] with access to the fastest push to talk, three times the coverage, and android productivity apps. now when you buy one motorola admiral rugged smartphone,
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>> time now for our hits and misses of the week. kim, start us off. >> this is a miss to ecuador which has been hiding wikileaks founder and founder julian assange. britain has been seeking to extradite him not because of his leaks, but serious allegations of sexual abuse and ecuador claims they are protecting him from political persecution and this is a thumb in the eye of the west legal system and britain thankfully is not putting up with him and not allowing him safe passage out of the countries and let's hope they stick with it. >> joe. >> paul, this is a hit to wisconsin republican primary voters this week, who nominated tommy thompson for
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the senate seat this fall and the former governor and reformer face add revolt from the conservatives, the problem is, none of his opponents were likely to win this fall. so, this is, this is a hit because as we keep learning, the marginal seats are the ones that matter for controlling congress. >> all right, james. >> this is a hit to the mesquite texas pee-wee association, wall for ruling that 12-year-old elijah earnhardt is too big to play with the others. this is not a knock on him. he's 6-1, 297, and given that size, this also allows the other kids in the 7th grade to have a future period and not have to play with him right now. and suffer tremendous bodily harm. >> paul: that guy would crush me coming over the line. and remember, if you have your own hit or miss, please send it to us at and be sure to follow us on


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